
I am one with the earth

So Iwent to my first yoga class last night and don't get me wrong it felt great but all the one with the earth babble-I really don't know how I feel about it. So I felt like a total nerd when everyone was so quiet and I was trying not to laugh as she was telling me that I need to make my body a tree and my feet need to root in the earth and a whole lot of other sillyness that no one even understands. So am I to immature to go to yoga? Maybe it is that I am so not cool like all of the other people that were in the class (give or take the 80 year old lady with pigtails that was breathing so hard I thought that there was something seriously wrong with her). Anyway, I guess that once I am cool enough I may become one with the earth.

1 Words of genius:

Kristie said...

you just make me laugh. I bought a yoga dvd, and ended up being equally bothered by the nature-babble. So, I muted it. Then I noticed the instructor's vacant expression and decided the whole thing was a little creepy for me. But hey, nothing's healthier than trying to suppress your laughter! I would definitely go with you if only for the stifled giggles.