
EAr PiercInG

Tenley came to us the other day and let us know that she was ready to get her ears pierced so we headed down to the mall for some fun! I decided to make things a little better I would go to the candy store and buy her one of those huge flower suckers. I was way excited to find out that they now do the piercing at the same time not like when I was little and the shot the one ear and then walked around to the other side and do the other one. Tenley was fine sitting down and excited to pick her flower earrings and once they shot her she did the scream and started crying, I told her to eat her sucker and she just kept crying until the lady brings out the ghetto suckers and all is fine. She thinks that she is a big girl with them and is always willing to let me clean and twist them and she looks freaking adorable.

2 Words of genius:

dani said...

she really does! i LOVE it! i cannot wait to let my girls get their ears pierced!

Anonymous said...

Ghetto suckers... haha :P And YES, she DOES look super cute with them! :)