
Say my name Bastian

My mom may or may not have a jewelry addiction and every couple of months she has to dump a whole crap load of said jewelry off on her children, needless to say it is Tenley's favorite time of the month and her and JBJ had a little dress up time together. The best part of this is that after watching Never Ending Story as a kid I put every single thing I could find on my forehead to look like the child like empress, so I got a good laugh out of them doing this.

1 Words of genius:

Kristie said...

why can't you be my neighbor NOW?? I would be a better one, I swear. I've learned my lesson.. I can't take your hilarity for granted! I would actually make an effort to hang out, I'm serious! You make me laugh, and your kids are awesome. we're so compatible! glad you posted, i like to chuckle now and again. :)
miss you love you.
ok bye.