
Good Choices.

I turned my back for 2 minutes and Pacey picked these babies up for $6-a piece, I think it was a solid allowance choice. I actually think that Masons stopped lighting up while we were at the fireworks.

2 Words of genius:

dani said...

i think this idea was fantastic! i bet all the other kids at the fireworks were totally jealous. i would have been. and who knew that clinton had such great food? fair food is my favorite!

Kristie said...

I just wrote a whole paragraph here that was so stupid, I couldn't pretend to laugh at it, so I erased it before you lost all interest in retaining me as your friend. I did write "good one" after it, but even that didn't make it okay..

so I like you and I wish that I could have followed you around on the 4th, because that would've been fun. and mmm.... fried foods. I need a fryer, but every time I see one at the store, it seems a bit too spendy. okay, I have nothing else to say.

p.s. I can't wait until Levi begs me for a light saber, no home is complete without several.