
Nie Nie

So I have spent the whole morning reading about Nie. I have gone to her blog a couple of times and thought the she was an amazing person and an amazing mom-I heard all about the accident a while back and felt so bad for her. Today I decided I would read her sisters blog and I have been crying non stop for the last hour and a half. Firstly, I am so amazed at her family, her sisters are so strong and so great, I am sure that Nie and her husband and comforted in the fact that they have such a great family that they know that their kids are safe. Second, it makes you feel that there is still so much good in the world people that do not even know her have come to her help and have raised over 100,000 dollars and prayed for her in probably too many religions to count. It just makes you sit back and think that your issues are never as bad as you think-it also makes you think that even if you do have your problems there will always be someone there to help you up, I have found huge comfort thinking if anything ever happened to me that I have an amazing family that I know would step in and do all that they had to do in my time of need. I just hope that one day I can be as strong in all of my convictions as they are be and try te be a better person each day.

1 Words of genius:

dani said...

i totally agree with this post. i read there blog everyday. it shows you that one person can change the world.